Susan Garrington


(posted on 15 Sep 2023)

Hello to You!

While it is still officially Summer, the cool mornings and evenings along with the start of a new school year, signal that it is almost over. Every year the seasons race by more and more quickly leaving me painfully aware that change is the only constant.

This time of year is always a strange mixture of excitement and melancholy. New adventures await youngsters returning to school or, like my grandson venturing off to university in a new city and at the same time melancholy ensues as we think about how they grow up so quickly. The end of many of the colourful flowers approaches at the same time as the leaves on trees and many plants begin their burst into autumn colour. In spite of these contrasting emotions or perhaps because of them, Autumn is absolutely my favourite season. Brisk walks through the fragrant fallen leaves, bulb planting, Thanksgiving, sweater weather, a change of wardrobe…. so very much to look forward to while saying goodbye to another summer.

Art News:

I have paintings in two shows currently and two more on the horizon.







I have started teaching a four week series of watercolour workshops at Westland Gallery. I enjoyed the first week very much and am looking forward to the remaining three.



I am going to end this newsletter now as the sunshine is calling to me to get out into the garden while Summer remains.

Have a great weekend and enjoy these last days of summer. I hope to hear from you.
