Susan Garrington


(posted on 14 Oct 2023)

I hope that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with family and friends. It was a wonderful time for us as our grandson came home from university and we spent a lot of time together with our daughter and him.

Traditionally at this time of year women are in the midst of Fall preparations which included storing harvests in root cellars, canning and preserving them, preparing fruitcakes for Christmas and so on. While I don’t can at this time of year, I do prepare and freeze squash and pumpkin, and applesauce. In the garden cuttings are taken from tender plants like pelargonium geraniums and coleus. This year cuttings were also taken from citronella, fuchsia, sweet potatoe vine and mint. Yes, I know that mint will survive the winter but how wonderful it will be to have fresh mint on hand all winter long! Spring bulbs have been purchased and planted and the amaryllis brought inside for their nap before blooming again this winter.

This is also the time when my studio gets tidied and organized in preparation for a productive winter. Plein air kit is put away, sketchbooks perused and photos put into files on the computer. Any day now I will begin playing in the studio.

The fall is also the time when the Gallery Painting Group has their exhibition of work produced during their plein air sessions this year. This will be a wonderful show. Don’t miss seeing it. Circumstances were such that while I attended some of the paint outs and made sketchbook paintings, I was unable to produce paintings for the exhibition. There will be one of my paintings available at the raffle table along with the work of nine other artists.

Several of my paintings of various sizes and price points are available at Main Street Gallery in Bayfield. This is such a pretty location with great restaurants and shops and the drive to Bayfield is usually scenic and enjoyable. Gallery owners, Linda and Jim, are welcoming, helpful and friendly.

My current work can be found on my website . If you see something you like and would enjoy seeing it in person or if you would like to see paintings not currently on the website, my studio is open by appointment. Just call or text 519-859-0171 or email me at to arrange an appointment.

I look forward to seeing or hearing from you soon. Take care, stay well and enjoy your autumn preparations whatever they may be.